HW1: Introduction
CS302, Spring 2025
- Due Date: 11:59 PM on Wednesday, February 19, 2025
- Homework 1 Responses Document (Google Drive Folder)
- Peer Comments Due: 12 PM on Friday, February 21, 2025
Set up a weekly sync with your fellow co-instructors. Discuss high-level thoughts for the summer at the first meeting. Document the weekly sync time/day and high-level notes from your first meeting in the responses document.
Pro tip: Homeworks will always be due on Wednesdays, so it’s probably best if you can schedule your weekly syncs before Wednesdays to get 302 homework done/started together.
Implicit Bias Training
Complete the implicit bias training.
You will need to click through a few times to get to the UC Berkeley login for the training website.
Please submit a screenshot of the completion screen (or confirmation email) to show that you have finished this (with some sort of evidence that it is in fact your own screen…). Place your screenshot in this folder. Each person writes one new thing they learned in the response document.
Required Listening/Reading
CSEd Podcast: Colleen Lewis
This conversation was a question and answer with Colleen. Topics included: peer instruction, how she structures her lecture and class, how becoming a better and better teacher is a marathon, cheating on assignments, the pros and cons of splitting students based on prior experience, and where to hold office hours.
Leave your thoughts on the transcript doc. You can choose to listen or read.
Rubric (Do this for full credit)
- (Team) Wrote time/day co-instructors are planning to meet in the responses document
- (Team) Wrote high level notes from the first meeting in the responses document
- (Individual) Left 2 or more comments on the CSEd podcast transcript
- (Individual) Added screenshot of finished implicit bias training to folder
- (Individual) Wrote 1 new thing learned from implicit bias training in responses document